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Why your child should wear a helmet on a bike, skateboard or scooter:

* Wearing a helmet can reduce the chance of a head injury by 80% * Wearing a kids bike helmet from a young age sets kids up for wearing a helmet as a teen. * Kids skulls are more breakable and delicate they are more prone to injury * It's not that much of a hassle to remember to wear a helmet and it can become an automatic reflex, it's not worth the risk to not wear one. * Helmets come in a wide range of fantastic designs and colours, so look at it as an opportunity to accessorise! TIPS FOR GETTING KIDS TO WEAR HELMET * Take them shopping - Include them in the buying process, get them to choose one they love * Be consistent - tell a kid they must wear a helmet every time, not just sometimes, before long it will become second nature * Fit is key - Make sure the helmet fits them correctly so it is comfortable. * Lead by example - Use a helmet yourself consistently, they will want to be like you.

Tips to prevent baby head bumps and injuries

While a minor head injury is bound to happen from time to time, here are a few tips to help keep your lo out of harm’s way. Install baby gates on the top and bottom of stairs.  Use infant head protection helmets Watch for wet areas on floors. Install non-skid mats on the bathroom floor. Firmly secure furniture to walls. Keep young kids away from dangerous things to climb. Don’t sit or leave your baby up on countertops. Avoid using infant walkers with wheels. Remove tripping hazards. Be cautious at playgrounds that don’t have softer surfaces. The takeaway There’s no doubt about it — when your baby takes a tumble, their tears can equal fears and tears of your own. It’s normal to worry, but rest assured that most minor bumps to the head don’t cause a serious brain injury or require emergency medical attention. However, there are rare instances where a more serious traumatic brain injury can result. In this case, know the symptoms to watch for and always ca...

What did parents do when there was no such headgear for babies?

A Baby Safety Survey was conducted from which it was concluded that there were some main safety measures that parents took to keep their baby safe from bumping their head during the time that they were unsteady on their feet . Some of their comments are listed below: “The walking chair helps while learning to walk till the time they are steady” “The play pen does the trick, although he doesn’t like it very much” “Try as much not to take your eyes of them even if it is just for a second” “Cover all table corners possible” “Play mats are good; getting him to stay on it is a very big challenge” Although some or most of these measures are still taken now days, we all know that learning-to-walk babies are like an accident waiting to happen…  SafeheadBABY is a practical solution that takes the protection directly where it matters the most giving your little one the freedom to explore and the confidence they need without parents having the fear of them fal...

Do you think using a protective headgear for babies is being “over cautious”?

No. In fact quite the contrary, using a protective headgear will allow over protective parents to give their babies the freedom they deserve to explore more than they previously were allowed to. As a mother, I would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to my kids. When I grew up, all the floors had soft thick carpets but in today’s households mainly due to health reasons tiles cover most surfaces which increases the impact of falls as compared to earlier. Furthermore, with the growing distractions such as TVs, cell phones, etc., the ability to truly keep a watchful eye on your kids all the time is also becoming a challenge on its own. SafeheadBABY will not prevent your baby from falling or bumping his/her head. As parents we understand that it is not possible to prevent every bump or bruise our baby will sustain during their learning-to-walk phase.  However, having a helmet for a baby learning to walk will reassure many worried working parents who depen...

What do I do when my toddler has a fall?

Even after an apparently minor head injury , complications may occur. You will need to do a thorough check for injuries, especially if he falls on his head or back. Call the doctor immediately if your little one exhibits any of these symptoms: Unconsciousness, continuing drowsiness or difficulty in waking from sleep. Appears confused or not understanding what is said. Vomiting. Complaining of severe headache or trouble with their eyesight. Prolonged crying or screaming Any loss of balance or problems walking. Becomes irritable. Credit:  Baby Head Protector Credit: Has any kind of attack, which you think is a fit. Any weakness in one or both arms or legs. Clear fluid coming out of their ears or nose. Bleeding from one or both ears. New deafness in one or both ears. Cries more than usual or is more difficult to settle than usual. Fails to grasp objects. Any abnormal behaviour (trust your instincts)

How can I prevent a head injury the best way that I can?

The need for baby proofing can vary from child to child. Some kids are just naturally more adventurous than others. There’s no sure fire way to keep your wobbly baby or waddling toddler from taking a dive, but there are ways to reduce the likelihood of one. They include: Baby proof, baby proof, baby proof! To minimize the danger zones in your house, take precautions such as putting safety gates at the tops and bottoms of stairs and installing window guards. It’s a good idea to go through another round of childproofing before your baby takes his first steps. Never leave your baby or toddler alone on a high piece of furniture such as a bed, changing table, or high chair. NEVER LEAVE YOUR TODDLER ALONE ! Always strap your child into the stroller and high chair or onto the changing table. Keep “climbable” furniture away from windows so that your child can’t get to open windows (even if they have window guards). Always practice playground safety. Watch your toddler when he i...

Why is SafeheadBABY important in the first 2 years?

Every baby learns to do things at his or her own pace. Even when walking seems to happen overnight, it actually takes most babies about hours and hours of practice from the time they pull themselves upright to the time they can walk alone confidently. The head of an infant just learning to sit up or walk is very fragile and vulnerable needing protection at most times especially since they lack a sense of balance and are mostly unsteady on their feet. The soft parts (fontanels) of the infant skull, begin to calcify, the small one at the back of the head at about 3 months, the larger one in front at varying ages up to 18 months. Young children cannot control the movement of their heads. Their heads are large and their legs are shorter in proportion to the rest of their body. SafeheadBABY gives your little one’s head the protection it needs and significantly reduces the chances of your baby sustaining a head injury at this most crucial time where their skulls are most vulnerable ...